Monday, October 4, 2010

First Post!

Its  currently 2am in the morning and I'm finally starting a blog which is kinda weird but i think it will help me with all the stress Ive been having lately with school i feel like its always school they say your senior year of high school is suppose to be fun and exciting and awesome. i feel like half of that is a lie there is so much to do your senior year its insane. the list starts getting everything set and done so you can graduate, continue making good grades why because you have to start applying for scholarships, find out where you want to go do you want to move away or stay where you are for college, find some idea of what you want to major in because well your going to start paying for your school so it matters not that i haven't been paying for it well i havent my parents have which i thank them so much Ive gone to a private school for all my high schooling years and though it had its ups and downs i dont regret it at all my school is part homeschooling / private schooling and the summer before my ninth grade year everytime it would get brought up mostly with my family the first words that would come out is your going to miss everything your homecoming your football games prom blah blah blah well honestly ive never been really big into sports me watching sports turned out to be really funny honestly trying to say what was going on in a football game at lunch one time was just funny it was a lot of umms and oh he droppd something yellow on the ground what does that mean so sports just arnt my thing and as far as homecoming and prom i would of never gone to them have i went to public school i feel its a waste of money and just bleh was never into that. but as my highschool years come down to the end even though its oct and i dont graduate to may it still feels like its on a downfall to the end i finally hit that hill and its coming down to the finish line which meens i need to get off my lazy butt and finish my classes, it makes me think about next year first year of college and what do i want to do well after talking with my princpal who will give you insite to everything and talking with my teacher and been trying to find a sign and praying about it for weeks on end and being so lost and confussed about it. it was there right there it just popd into my head just like a smack in the face i finally figured it out i figured out what i want to do when i grow up we are asked this all the time going from one grade to another and as  a little kid i always said i wanted to be a teacher it was always a teacher which is common one between little kids and by my 9th grade year all those thoughts had washed outta my head and i become so into video games i thought well why dont i do something like that but then realsed am i going to want to do this for the rest of my life and it just seemd like so  much work and its such a busy career there are so many people wanting to be in it and i just figured out it wasnt for me but i had been talking with a few people and i kind of put my foot in the door about next year about teaching at the school im going to now i meen the classes are small so it wouldnt be like im in front of tons and tons of people but it would be a small group me and my small group of students who will take my class which makes me nervious because what if no one wanted to take a class with me lol i meen im sure someone will but this brings me back to what i wanted to be when i grew up well here i am growing up still growing even if id like to think i have the mind of a 25 year old and some people say i do but i figured it out i want to become an art teacher i watch youtube videos all the time and i was listening to one one day i think it was by Suzi Blu and she said you dont have to be perfect to make art and i totally agree with this i cant draw i cant draw at all but i know how to do the basics i can make 3d shapes i know the basics on colors i know uite alot im still learning but your never done learning till the day you die and you may learn something new right before then i meen you never know. so i figured it out im going to teach art im going to become an art teacher i keep being asked well what are you going to teach them if you teach an art class and i basiclly said im going to teach them what i know best and thats painting i love to paint i love to art journal i love the whole mixed media art i love being able to express how i feel in a painting or on a page or just doing randomness on a page just because its what i love to do and i was asked well wouldnt that be like teaching them how to feel if that is what you do when you art journal and the anwser to it is simply no im not teaching these kids on how to feel ill be teaching them a way to express yourself in a whole different way just like i do. im not really sure what else to write im really not and my writing tends to be so random and non formal so im sure reading my sentcenes are like insanely long and annoying but it works lol

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